About Myler Bits
The guiding principles of Myler bits is to make horses more comfortable in the mouth so that they are more focused in the mind, and therefore more trainable. According to the Myler brothers, “The bit is a communication tool, and to effectively communicate with your horse, he must be relaxed. If your horse is resistant, he is not effectively receiving your message and needs a different bit which lets him relax.”
As horses advance in their training level, the bit should change too, offering greater tongue-relief and more comfort as the horse becomes softer and more compliant. The needs of the horse, his level of training, the ability level of the rider and the specific activities undertaken will all have an influence of what bit is best for your horse.

Want to see more about bits?
Get the Bit Basics Training Video! The complete training process for the young horse learning to respond to the bit for the very first time and remedial training for an older horse that’s evading the bit by head tossing, star-gazing, rooting and jerking on the rider. (Available in DVD or streaming.)
Find the Bit You Need
We stock all of these Myler bits in a 5-inch width. Some bits are available in smaller and larger sizes, special order only. Call (719)530-0531 to order smaller or larger sizes.
The 3-ring combination bit has a noseband and chin strap incorporated into the bit and three rings as the shank; it is designed to distribute pressure in places other than, or in addition to the mouth, including the nose, poll and chin. You use the reins attached to the middle ring in order to ride more off nose pressure or the lower ring to use mouth pressure first and have stronger ‘brakes.’
The 3-ring comes standard with a flat, black noseband but in many instances, I prefer the rawhide noseband, which allows me to have more control of the nose and use a lighter contact. The 3-ring combo is a must-have bit for anyone working with horses of varying temperaments and training levels.
If I could only have one bit to use on any type of horse, the 04 rawhide combo would be the one bit I would own. But the 3-ring combination bit is available in many mouthpieces—making it a great bit for almost any horse. With often dramatic results, I have used various combo bits for horses that are: green, spooky, runaways, barn sour, high-strung, fearful, forward, sensitive in the mouth, intolerant of a rider’s hands, high-headed, a beginner’s mount, disobedient or defiant. In a low-level mouthpiece, like the 32-3 or the 04, the 3-ring combo is ideal for colt-starting, since it works more off nose pressure, which the halter-broke horse readily understands.
Different mouthpieces in the 3-ring combo are more or less compatible with different horses, depending on the needs of the horse and rider. All of the bits have mouthpieces made of sweet iron with copper inlays (except the 32-2, which is stainless steel), which cause an enticing chemical reaction in the horse’s mouth that encourages salivation (much like peeling an orange might cause a little spray of saliva in your mouth).
Three-ring Combination, 32-3 (triple barrel) mouthpiece, rawhide noseband
I use this bit on any horse that is very green and/or may be difficult to control at times—be it fearful behavior, ignorance or obstinacy. This is an excellent bit for colt-starting or for horses that for one reason or another, you may have to take manual control of. Like all combos, this bit is very mild but the triple barrel mouthpiece gives you enough tongue pressure when there is no ‘power steering’ and the rawhide on the noseband allows you enough leverage so that you do not use too much mouth pressure, thus keeping the horse calmer and more compliant. I like having the rawhide noseband on any horse that I am trying to use less mouth pressure and more nose pressure on. The rawhide gives me more control of the nose with less pressure and less effort.
Three-ring Combination, 32-3 (triple barrel) mouthpiece, flat leather noseband
I use this bit on any horse that is very green and/or may be difficult to control at times—be it fearful behavior, ignorance or obstinacy. This is an excellent bit for colt-starting or for horses that for one reason or another, you may have to take manual control of. Like all combos, this bit is very mild but the triple barrel mouthpiece gives you enough tongue pressure when there is no ‘power steering.’ The leather noseband is milder than the rawhide which means you may have to use more muscle power in situations where you have to exert control but it will give you plenty of pressure on a sensitive horse.
Three-ring Combination, 04 mouthpiece, rawhide noseband
The 04 mouthpiece has a very small port, offering a minor amount of tongue relief to the horse. It is a snaffle-like mouthpiece, but with some tongue-relief. This bridle bit is my first choice for colt-starting because the 3-ring still allows you to ride more off nose pressure. This bit is great for a horse that is sensitive in the mouth, has a lot of anxiety and/or is not always easy to control. This bit will cause you to feel more control, while reducing the anxiety in the horse. I prefer the rawhide noseband for colt-starting or for green or difficult-to-control horses.
Three-ring Combination, 04 mouthpiece, leather noseband
The 04 mouthpiece has a very small port, offering a minor amount of tongue relief to the horse. It is a snaffle-like mouthpiece, but with some tongue-relief. This mouthpiece is my first choice for colt-starting or for a snaffle bit, but the 3-ring still allows you to ride more off nose pressure. This bit is great for a horse that is sensitive in the mouth, has a lot of anxiety and/or is not always easy to control. This bit will cause you to feel more control, while reducing the anxiety in the horse. It is also useful for trained horses that are nervous, sensitive, spooky or cannot tolerate the rider’s hands.
Three-ring Combination, 33 mouthpiece, leather noseband
The 33 mouthpiece is ideal for many trained horses because it offers maximum tongue relief—it is basically shaped like the inside of a horse’s mouth. If the horse is compliant, obedient and willing, he will usually greatly appreciate the 33 mouthpiece and noseband, which allows you to ride primarily off nose pressure. For very sensitive horses or perhaps a well-trained horse with a beginner rider, the 3-ring combo in this mouthpiece will give the horse maximum comfort, protect his mouth and the rider will have plenty of control.
Three-ring Combination, 36 mouthpiece, leather noseband
The 36 mouthpiece on the 3-ring combo gives you all of the benefits as listed above in the 33 combo, but additionally will help the horse to break at the poll and come into a more rounded frame, with less contact from the rider. The 36 mouthpiece is for trained and compliant horses that are simply reluctant to break at the poll or come into a rounded frame.
Myler snaffle bits come in a variety of side-piece styles (eggbutt, dee ring, O ring) and a variety of mouthpieces—the selection of which depends on the needs of the horse. According to the Mylers, “The side piece is for the rider; the mouthpiece is for the horse.” A snaffle bit means that it is a direct-pressure bit and that the reins are attached directly opposite of the mouthpiece. There is no leverage, so a pound of pull gives a pound of pressure. In general, snaffle bits are used on green horses or in riding disciplines that use more direct contact, such as the English disciplines. What side piece you use may depend somewhat on the discipline you ride, often more for popularity or aesthetic reasons than functionality.
I prefer the Myler snaffles that have “hooks,” which allow the headstall and reins to attach to the side-piece in fixed locations, thus not sliding around when you apply contact. If you attach a string or curb chain under the chin, the hooks give a very stabilizing affect in the horse’s mouth so that the contact is always the same to the horse. It also gives you the slightest amount of leverage, which allows you to use softer contact. The only downside of the hooks is that if you are showing, some rulebooks might not allow them—in that case, I would have two Myler snaffles—one with hooks to train in at home, and one without the hooks for competition.
All of the bits listed below have mouthpieces with an ergonomic curvature and are made of stainless steel with copper inlays, which causes a chemical reaction in the horse’s mouth which encourages salivation.
03 eggbutt no hooks (comfort snaffle with copper roller)
This is the Myler version of a “regular” snaffle. It has a three-piece jointed mouthpiece with a copper roller in the middle (to keep the horse busy with his tongue). Like all the Myler bits that we offer, it has an ergonomic shape for the horse’s mouth and it will not collapse or pinch like a single-jointed, flat mouthpiece would. I would use this in place of a traditional single-jointed snaffle and/or if I wanted to use a bit that did not have “hooks.”
04 dee-ring no hooks
This bit has all the advantages of the 04 eggbutt with hooks, except for the advantages of the hooks (which stabilizes the bit in the horse’s mouth and allows you to use less contact). This bit would be good for showing if the rules don’t allow hooks. The dee-ring is more popular in certain disciplines, where it may fit in better. This bit is approved for USEF dressage.
04 eggbutt with hooks
This is my favorite Myler snaffle. It is jointed but has three pieces to prevent the mouthpiece from collapsing and pinching and it has a very low port which offers some relief of pressure from the tongue (pressure on the tongue is what horses hate most about bits). I would use this for very green horses or for horses that are being ridden in a regular snaffle and are needing more comfort in their mouths.
06 eggbutt with hooks
This mouthpiece has a little wider port with an intermediate level of tongue relief and it does not collapse as much as the 04, so it a little less pressure on the tongue. The more rigid mouthpiece combined with the hooks, make it similar to a kimberwicke or a very mild curb bit. Generally, you will have lighter contact and good brakes with this bit.
36 eggbutt with hooks
This mouthpiece has good tongue relief (in the form of a low port) but the port is tilted forward so that the horse must break at the poll slightly to find the tongue relief. I like to use this bit for fairly well-trained horses that are not “rounding up” like they should (breaking at the poll or coming into a more collected frame), either because the horse is reluctant or the rider is not insistent.
33 eggbutt with hooks
To me, this is the ideal snaffle for the horse’s comfort. It has a medium port and an ergonomic shape that gives the horse maximum tongue relief without getting into the palate. I like to use this bit on horses that are well-trained and compliant to the rider’s aids but need more comfort from the bit (the horse that is otherwise very good but shows signs of bit discomfort, like opening the mouth, drooling, wrinkling the lips, tensing the neck, etc.
Curb bits are leverage bits (as opposed to direct pressure bits, like snaffles) and the reins are attached below the mouthpiece (at the bottom of the shank). It is the ratio between the purchase (the part of the bit that is above the mouthpiece and attached to the headstall) and the shank (the part below the mouthpiece) that tells you how much leverage the bit has; a bit with a tall purchase has less leverage.
The HBT shank is the shorter shank and offers only slightly more pressure than a snaffle with hooks. The Flat shank is longer and for advanced riders and advanced horses only. All of these bits have shanks that articulate independently and allow you to ride two-handed when needed and lift the shoulders, bringing the horse more onto his haunches and for better bending and lateral flexion.
Curb bits must have a curb-strap or curb-chain to function properly. Use a leather strap (milder) unless your horse is difficult to stop, in which case you probably want a curb chain. All of the Myler bits listed below have mouthpieces with an ergonomic curvature and are made of polished sweet iron with copper inlays, which causes a chemical reaction in the horse’s mouth that encourages salivation (much like peeling an orange might cause a little spray of saliva in your mouth). Sweet iron will darken and rust with use, which is not harmful to the horse.
04 HBT
This bit has a low port—for mild tongue relief—and a tall purchase/short shank; so while it offers leverage, it is very mild. This is an excellent transitional bit from snaffle to curb and the horse will hardly notice any difference. Great for the intermediate horse that may be ridden one-handed on occasion but would otherwise go in a snaffle.

06 HBT
This bit has a low, wider port and does not collapse as much as the 04 mouthpiece, giving a bit more tongue relief to the horse. The shanks rotate independently, allowing you to lift the shoulders and ride two-handed. The more rigid mouthpiece is a good transitional bit to the more traditional full curb bridle and is good for a horse that is at the advanced-intermediate level. The HBT offers mild leverage and the non-collapsing mouthpiece makes this bit very mild.
06 flat shank
Same mouthpiece as above, with the same benefits. The flat shank is longer and more suitable for riders with excellent hands. The longer shank allows you to ride with even less contact and is ideal for horses that are very light in response to bit pressure and riders with very soft and slow hands.
33 HBT
To me, this is the ideal mouthpiece for the horse’s comfort. It has a medium, wide port and an ergonomic shape that gives the horse maximum tongue relief without getting into the palate. I like to use this bit on horses that are well-trained and compliant to the rider’s aids but need more comfort from the bit (the horse that is otherwise very good but shows signs of bit discomfort, like opening the mouth, drooling, wrinkling the lips, tensing the neck, etc.). The HBT shank offers mild leverage; combined with a leather curb strap, this bit is extremely comfortable to the horse.
33 flat shank
Same benefits as listed above for the 33, but with the longer flat shank, more appropriate for advance horses and riders. The longer shank allows you to ride with even less contact and is ideal for horses that are very light in response to bit pressure and riders with very soft and slow hands.
36 HBT
This mouthpiece has good tongue relief (in the form of a low port and non-collapsing design) but the port is tilted forward so that the horse must break at the poll slightly to find the tongue relief. I like to use this bit for fairly well-trained horses that are not “rounding up” like they should (breaking at the poll or coming into a more collected frame), either because the horse is reluctant or the rider is not insistent. The HBT shank offers mild leverage and can be ridden one-handed or two.
36 Flat shank
Same benefits as listed above for the 36, but with the longer flat shank, more appropriate for advance horses and riders. The longer shank allows you to ride with even less contact and is ideal for horses that are very light in response to bit pressure and riders with very soft and slow hands.
36 Show Bit. Embossed Cheek Pieces
36—this is a substantial bit with beautiful craftsmanship that will make it stand out in the show ring. It’s weight gives you the ability to transmit subtle signals to the horse, with hardly any movement of your fingers. The forward tilt to the low port will help keep your horse’s head down and encourage him to break at the poll for a beautiful show ring frame. Independent movement of the shanks allows you to ride two-handed when needed to help keep the horse correct.
43 Show Bit. Embossed Cheek Pieces
43—This is a stylish and substantial bit with a medium-high port which will keep your horse in a collected frame and bring power to your stops. It is more in line with the type of bit a finished bridle horse would use. The mouthpiece is fairly solid but slight movement of the shanks gives a good pre-signal to the horse, so he is ready for your rein cues.
Top-level dressage riders: It’s time to try a new bit. The Fédération Equestre Internationale’s (FEI) now approves seven Myler Bits’ mouthpieces for use in competition. Myler Bits are designed to reduce the pressure on the horse’s tongue—allowing overall relaxation and increased ability to focus on the rider’s cues. See the complete selection of FEI-approved mouthpieces and cheek pieces. This list may change and additions may be made. Check the most recent data on the official FEI website.
Order today by calling (719)5300531 or contacting us.
Myler Eggbutt without Hooks with Wide Ported Barrel MB 33WLMyler
The 33WL offers the highest degree of tongue relief in a dressage legal mouthpiece. The 33WL port has been widened considerably to permit plenty of room for the tongue. Because this mouthpiece does not rotate on to the tongue and the port is wide,…
Myler 3 3/8″ Medium Dee without Hooks with Mullen Low Port Barrel MB 06Myler
Stainless Steel 3 3/8″ Medium Dee without Hooks with Stainless Steel Mullen Low Port Barrel (MB 06, Level 2-3) Copper Inlay Mouth. – USEF dressage legal (1/2012), FEI dressage legal (7/2016). Consult organization’s rule book for more…
Myler 3 3/8″ Medium Dee without Hooks Forward Tilted Port MB 36Myler
Stainless Steel 3 3/8″ Medium Dee without Hooks with Stainless Steel Forward Tilted Port (MB 36, Level 2-3) Copper Inlay Mouth. – USEF dressage legal (1/2012), FEI dressage legal (7/2016). Consult organization’s rule book for more information.
Myler Loose Ring with 14mm Forward Tilted Port MB36-14mmMyler
Stainless Steel 3″ Loose Ring with Stainless Steel 14mm Forward Tilted Port (MB36-14mm, Level 2-3) Copper Inlay Mouth. – USEF dressage legal (1/2012), FEI dressage legal (7/2016). Consult organization’s rule book for more information.
Myler 3 3/8″ Medium Dee with Wide Ported Barrel MB 33WLMyler
The 33WL offers the highest degree of tongue relief in a dressage legal mouthpiece. The 33WL port has been widened considerably to permit plenty of room for the tongue. Because this mouthpiece does not rotate on to the tongue and the port is wide,…
Myler English Pony Dee without Hooks with Low Port Comfort Snaffle™ MB 04Myler
Stainless Steel 3″ Dee without Hooks with Stainless Steel Low Port Comfort Snaffle (MB 04, Level 2) Copper Inlay Mouth. – USEF dressage legal (1/2012), FEI dressage legal (7/2016). Consult organization’s rule book for more information.
Myler 3 3/8″ Medium Dee without Hooks with Low Port Comfort Snaffle™ MB 04Myler
Stainless Steel 3 3/8″ Medium Dee without Hooks with Stainless Steel Low Port Comfort Snaffle™ (MB 04, Level 2) Copper Inlay Mouth. – USEF dressage legal (1/2012), FEI dressage legal (7/2016). Consult organization’s rule book for more…
Myler Eggbutt without Hooks with 14mm Forward Tilted Port MB36-14mmMyler
Stainless Steel Eggbutt without Hooks with Stainless Steel 14mm Forward Tilted Port (MB36-14mm, Level 2-3) Copper Inlay Mouth. – USEF dressage legal (1/2012), FEI dressage legal (7/2016). Consult organization’s rule book for more information.
Myler Eggbutt without Hooks with 14mm Mullen Low Port Barrel MB 06-14mmMyler
Stainless Steel Eggbutt without Hooks with Stainless Steel 14mm Mullen Low Port Barrel (MB 06-14mm, Level 2-3) Copper Inlay Mouth. – USEF dressage legal (1/2012), FEI dressage legal (7/2016). Consult organization’s rule book for more…
Myler Loose Ring with 14mm Mullen Low Port Barrel MB 06-14mmMyler
Stainless Steel 3″ Loose Ring with Stainless Steel 14mm Mullen Low Port Barrel (MB 06-14mm, Level 2-3) Copper Inlay Mouth. – USEF dressage legal (1/2012), FEI dressage legal (7/2016). Consult organization’s rule book for more information.
Myler Loose Ring with Low Wide Ported Barrel MB 33 WLMyler
The 33WL offers the highest degree of tongue relief in a dressage legal mouthpiece. The 33WL port has been widened considerably to permit plenty of room for the tongue. Because this mouthpiece does not rotate on to the tongue and the port is wide,…
Myler Dee without Hooks with Stainless Steel Comfort Snaffle MB 01Myler
Stainless Steel Dee without Hooks with Stainless Steel Comfort Snaffle (MB 01, Level 1) Copper Inlay. Standard 3 3/4″ dee on 5″ mouthpiece. 3″ pony dee on 4 1/2″ mouthpiece. – Legal for USEF dressage, FEI dressage and USEA eventing dressage….
Myler Dee without Hooks with Stainless Steel Comfort Snaffle Wide Barrel MB 02Myler
Stainless Steel Dee without Hooks with Stainless Steel Comfort Snaffle Wide Barrel (MB 02, Level 1) Copper Inlay. Standard 3 3/4″ dee on 5″ and larger mouthpieces. 3″ pony dee on 4 3/4″ mouthpiece. – Legal for USEF dressage, FEI dressage and…
Myler English Dee MB 04Myler
Stainless Steel 3 3/4″ Dee without Hooks with Stainless Steel Low Port Comfort Snaffle (MB 04, Level 2) Copper Inlay Mouth. – USEF dressage legal (1/2012), FEI dressage legal (7/2016). Consult organization’s rule book for more information.
Myler English Pony Dee MB 06Myler
Stainless Steel 3″ Pony Dee without Hooks with Stainless Steel Mullen Barrel Low Port (MB 06, Level 2-3) Copper Inlay Mouth. – USEF dressage legal (1/2012), FEI dressage legal (7/2016). Consult organization’s rule book for more information.
Myler English Dee without Hooks MB 06Myler
Stainless Steel 3 3/4″ Dee without Hooks with Stainless Steel Mullen Barrel Low Port (MB 06, Level 2-3) Copper Inlay. – USEF dressage legal (1/2012), FEI dressage legal (7/2016). Consult organization’s rule book for more information.
Myler Dee without Hooks with Stainless Steel Snaffle MB 09Myler
Stainless Steel Dee without Hooks with Stainless Steel Snaffle (MB 09, Level 1) Copper Inlay. Standard 3 3/4″ dee on mouthpieces 5″ or larger. 3″ pony dee on 4 1/2″ mouthpiece. – Legal for USEF dressage, FEI dressage and USEA eventing…
Myler Dee without Hooks with Stainless Steel French Link Snaffle MB 10Myler
Stainless Steel 3 3/4″ Dee without Hooks with Stainless Steel French Link Snaffle (MB 10, Level 1) Copper Inlay. – Legal for USEF dressage, FEI dressage and USEA eventing dressage. Consult organization’s rule book for more information.
Myler Dee without Hooks with Stainless Steel Mullen Barrel MB 32Myler
Stainless Steel 3″ Dee without Hooks with Stainless Steel Mullen Barrel (MB 32, Level 2) Copper Inlay. – USEF dressage legal (1/2012), FEI dressage legal (7/2016). Consult organization’s rule book for more information.
Myler Dee without Hooks with Stainless Steel Ported Barrel MB 33Myler
Stainless Steel Dee without Hooks with Stainless Steel Ported Barrel (MB 33, Level 3) Copper Inlay. Standard 3 3/4″ dee on 5″ mouthpiece. 3″ pony dee on 4 1/2″ mouthpiece. – FEI dressage legal (7/2016). Not USEF dressage legal. Consult…
Myler English Pony Dee without Hooks with Forward Tilt Ported Barrel MB 36Myler
Stainless Steel 3″ Pony Dee without Hooks with Stainless Steel Forward Tilted Port (MB 36, Level 2-3) Copper Inlay Mouth. – USEF dressage legal (1/2012), FEI dressage legal (7/2016). Consult organization’s rule book for more information.
Myler Loose Ring with Stainless Steel Comfort Snaffle Wide Barrel MB 02Myler
Stainless Steel Loose Ring with Stainless Steel Comfort Snaffle Wide Barrel (MB 02, Level 1) Copper Inlay. – Legal for USEF dressage, FEI dressage and USEA eventing dressage. Consult organization’s rule book for more information.
Myler Loose Ring with Sweet Iron Comfort Snaffle Wide Barrel MB 02Myler
Stainless Steel Loose Ring with Sweet Iron Comfort Snaffle Wide Barrel (MB 02, Level 1) Copper Inlay. – This mouthpiece is made of polished Sweet Iron which naturally oxidizes or rusts. Harmless to horses, it has a sweet taste and promotes…
Myler Loose Ring MB 04Myler
Stainless Steel Loose Ring Stainless Steel Low Port Comfort Snaffle Wide Barrel (MB 04, Level 2) Copper Inlay Mouth. – USEF dressage legal (1/2012), FEI dressage legal (7/2016). Consult organization’s rule book for more information.
Myler Loose Ring MB 06Myler
Stainless Steel Loose Ring Stainless Steel Low Port Mullen Barrel (MB 06, Level 2-3) Copper Inlay Mouth. – USEF dressage legal (1/2012), FEI dressage legal (7/2016). Consult organization’s rule book for more information.
Myler Loose Ring with Stainless Steel Snaffle MB 09Myler
Stainless Steel Loose Ring with Stainless Steel Snaffle (MB 09, Level 1) Copper Inlay. – Legal for USEF dressage, FEI dressage and USEA eventing dressage. Consult organization’s rule book for more information.
Myler Loose Ring with Cyprium Snaffle MB 09Myler
Stainless Steel Loose Ring with Cyprium Snaffle (MB 09, Level 1). – Legal for USEF dressage, FEI dressage and USEA eventing dressage. Consult organization’s rule book for more information.
Myler Loose Ring with Sweet Iron Snaffle MB 09Myler
Stainless Steel Loose Ring with Sweet Iron Snaffle (MB 09, Level 1) Copper Inlay. – This mouthpiece is made of polished Sweet Iron which naturally oxidizes or rusts. Harmless to horses, it has a sweet taste and promotes salivation.
Myler Loose Ring with Stainless Steel Snaffle MB 09Myler
Stainless Steel Loose Ring with Stainless Steel Snaffle (MB 09, Level 1) Copper Inlay. – Legal for USEF dressage, FEI dressage and USEA eventing dressage. Consult organization’s rule book for more information.
Myler Loose Ring with Stainless Steel French Link Snaffle MB 10Myler
Stainless Steel Loose Ring with Stainless Steel French Link Snaffle (MB 10, Level 1) Copper Inlay. – Legal for USEF dressage, FEI dressage and USEA eventing dressage. Consult organization’s rule book for more information.
Myler Loose Ring MB 02-14mmMyler
Stainless Steel Loose Ring with 14mm Stainless Steel Comfort Snaffle Wide Barrel (MB 02, Level 1) Copper Inlay Mouth. – Legal for USEF dressage, FEI dressage and USEA eventing dressage. Consult organization’s rule book for more information….
Myler Loose Ring MB 04-14mmMyler
Stainless Steel Loose Ring with 14mm Stainless Steel Low Port Comfort Snaffle Wide Barrel (MB 04, Level 2) Copper Inlay Mouth. – USEF dressage legal (1/2012), FEI dressage legal (7/2016). Consult organization’s rule book for more information.
Myler Loose Ring MB 36Myler
Stainless Steel Loose Ring with Stainless Steel Forward Tilted Port (MB 36, Level 2-3) Copper Inlay Mouth. – USEF dressage legal (1/2012), FEI dressage legal (7/2016). Consult organization’s rule book for more information.
Myler Eggbutt without Hooks with Stainless Steel Comfort Snaffle Wide Barrel MB 02Myler
Stainless Steel Eggbutt without Hooks with Stainless Steel Comfort Snaffle Wide Barrel (MB 02, Level 1) Copper Inlay. – Legal for USEF dressage, FEI dressage and USEA eventing dressage. Consult organization’s rule book for more information.
Myler Eggbutt without Hooks with Stainless Steel Low Port Comfort Snaffle MB 04Myler
Stainless Steel Eggbutt without Hooks with Stainless Steel Low Port Comfort Snaffle (MB 04, Level 2) Copper Inlay. – USEF dressage legal (1/2012), FEI dressage legal (7/2016). Consult organization’s rule book for more information.
Myler Eggbutt MB 06Myler
Stainless Steel Eggbutt without Hooks with Stainless Steel Low Port Mullen Barrel (MB 06, Level 2-3) Copper Inlay Mouth. – USEF dressage legal (1/2012), FEI dressage legal (7/2016). Consult organization’s rule book for more information.
Myler Eggbutt without Hooks with Stainless Steel French Link Snaffle MB 10Myler
Stainless Steel Eggbutt without Hooks with Stainless Steel French Link Snaffle (MB 10, Level 1). – Legal for USEF dressage, FEI dressage and USEA eventing dressage. Consult organization’s rule book for more information.
Myler Eggbutt without hooks MB 02-14mmMyler
Stainless Steel Eggbutt without Hooks with Stainless Steel 14mm Comfort Snaffle Wide Barrel (MB 02, Level 1) Copper Inlay Mouth. – Legal for USEF dressage, FEI dressage and USEA eventing dressage. Consult organization’s rule book for more…
Myler Eggbutt without Hooks MB 04-14mmMyler
Stainless Steel Eggbutt without Hooks with 14mm Stainless Steel Low Port Comfort Snaffle (MB 04, Level 2) Copper Inlay Mouth. – USEF dressage legal. NOT FEI dressage legal or USEA eventing dressage legal. Consult organization’s rule book…
Myler Eggbutt without Hooks with Stainless Steel Mullen Barrel MB 32Myler
Stainless Steel Eggbutt without Hooks with Stainless Steel Mullen Barrel (MB 32, Level 2) Copper Inlay. – Legal for USEF dressage, FEI dressage and USEA eventing dressage. Consult organization’s rule book for more information.
Myler Eggbutt without Hooks with Stainless Steel Ported Barrel MB 33Myler
Stainless Steel Eggbutt without Hooks with Stainless Steel Ported Barrel (MB 33, Level 3) Copper Inlay. – FEI dressage legal (7/2016). Not USEF legal. Consult organization’s rule book for more information.
Myler Eggbutt MB 36Myler
Stainless Steel Eggbutt without Hooks with Stainless Steel Forward Tilted Port (MB 36, Level 2-3) Copper Inlay Mouth. – USEF dressage legal (1/2012), FEI dressage legal (7/2016). Consult organization’s rule book for more information.
Myler Medium Baucher Cheek with Stainless Steel Comfort Snaffle Wide Barrel MB 02Myler
Stainless Steel Medium Baucher Cheek with Stainless Steel Comfort Snaffle Wide Barrel (MB 02, Level 1) Copper Inlay. – Legal for USEF dressage, FEI dressage and USEA eventing dressage. Consult organization’s rule book for more information.
Myler Small Baucher MB 02Myler
Stainless Steel Small Baucher Cheek with Stainless Steel Comfort Snaffle Wide Barrel (MB 02, Level 1) Copper Inlay. Legal for USEF dressage, FEI dressage and USEA eventing dressage. Consult organization’s rule book for more information.